Posts tagged ‘health news’

July 19, 2017

Ponty Chadha Foundation Health Camp in Duriya & Kachera

“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.”

This quote from Jim Rohn is just a simple set of words, but carries a very complex and deep meaning. Amidst the hustle & bustle of our lives, we forget to take care of our health and body, which later harms us in different ways. The situation however is worse with the underprivileged, who have to work tirelessly for long hours to feed their families. This ultimately takes a toll on their health, and leads to diseases and complications, which if not checked in time, leads to irreparable damage.

In order to make the lives of the rurals a bit easier, The Ponty Chadha Foundation organizes health camps that provide health services for free.

In the month of June and July, we visited 2 villages; Duryai and Kachera, which are located in the Ghaziabad district of Uttar Pradesh. Soon after our arrival, the women, children and the elderly formed a line outside the clinic we had set up. A total of 242 hopeful villagers came to discuss their health issues, and each patient was screened by the specialists from Dr Ram Saran Garg Indo German Hospital.

From anemia, to maternal health, the doctors patiently listened to every health problem faced by the villagers and prescribed them with the suitable medications. Our team was swift in providing the villagers with the required medicine, and ensured that everyone was well taken care of.

People in the rural areas are often excluded from attaining health services due to various reasons, but the common one out of all is that of inadequate finances. Therefore, the Ponty Chadha Foundation has set up this mission to provide quality health services to the poor.
As an organization, our sole aim is to provide ample access to the essential medical services, which can help improve the life of those in need.


June 8, 2011

Top 10 Foods to Reduce Belly Fat


Obese people find it the hardest to deal with the fat stored in and around the abdomen and the waist.


Not only does belly fat make your abdomen bulge out, it also poses grave risk to of diseases like hypertension, diabetes and stroke. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), men who have a waist more than 40 inches have heightened risk of heart diseases and diabetes.

The most common reasons for the accumulation of fat in the tummy are hormonal imbalance, excessive eating, intake of large quantities of alcohol, sweets and chocolates and lack of exercise. Stress is also one of the prominent reasons for the storage of fat in the belly. Stress triggers the secretion of a hormone called cortisol. Excess of cortisol stimulates the storage of fat around the waist. Then there’s another factor of improper digestion. Due to malfunctioned digestion gastro problems arise and this leads to a persistently puffy belly. As we add years, our efficiency of burning calories goes down, so sluggish metabolism also sets off the buildup of fat around the midsection.

If belly fat is one of your problems and you still thrive on a typical diet full of oily, starchy foods and carbs, it’s time for you to treat this article as a wake-up call. You would need to change your diet drastically. First of all, you should avoid eating two to three hours before bedtime to control the belly fat. At the same time, incorporate foods which can help you overcome the problem.

Here’s some information on foods which you should consume if you have a bloated belly.

Eggs: They provide good quality protein which in turn helps overcome hunger pangs. Eggs

Beans: Beans like black gram (chana), green gram (chana), chick peas and green moong bustle with fibre and proteins. They help you shed pounds and improve muscle tone.


Oat Meal: Befriend the good ol’ oats if you’re battling belly fat. Start your day with oats cooked in water or consume them with milk. They’re high in soluble fibre and low in fat.

Oat Meal

Vegetables: Green vegetables are rich source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fibre. Consuming vegetables for dinner without chapatis and/or rice is helpful in shrinking the waist size. What’s more, most green veggies have only 30-60 calories per 100 grams.


Barley: Barley has a considerably low glycemic index and contains lots of soluble fibre. This helps in diminishing the circumference of the waist. Regular consumption cuts down the risk of cardiac diseases and type II diabetes. Barley

Green Tea: Polyphenols present in the tea help boost metabolism. Green tea is less processed and contains higher levels of anti-oxidants. It greatly suppresses the appetite.

Green Tea

Milk: When we say milk, we’re not recommending full-cream milk. In fact, make sure you stay away from that. Go for non-fat milk which has the same amount of calcium and protein as full-cream milk but contains less sodium and helps prevent water retention. This reduces bloating.


Yogurt or Curd: It’s oozing with calcium and protein and has very less calories (80 calories in a cup of low-fat yogurt).The beneficial bacteria present in yogurt boost immunity and aid bowel movement.

Yogurt or Curd

Tomatoes: The luscious red tomatoes contain only 20 calories per hundred gram. They are rich in fibres, lycopene and potassium. They avert water retention, thereby also preventing bloating of the belly.


Olive Oil: People realise that veggies are good for health but many find their taste boring. Add a small quantity of olive oil. This will improve the flavour of vegetables and make them tastier. But its real benefit is that it can help you lose the hateful flab around your belly.

Olive Oil